Use the easy-to-use and reliable test kits to test for lead:
Watersafe Water Lead Test Kit: Test for lead in your drinking water above or below 5ppb (the equivalent of one drop in a large swimming pool).
Quick Test Kit for Lead – range (1 test): Tests the level of lead in water (not recommended for tap water due to the high detection levels), but also urine, saliva, dust, dirt, paint, rice, milk, food, dishes, glasses. This test will give an indication about the amount of lead included with a sensitivity of 0, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 ppm (parts per million).
Lead Test Kit for Soil – check your garden soil for lead. Each packs includes 5 tests and results available within 10 minutes.
Lead Test Kit for Paint – check paint for lead. Each packs includes 10 tests and results available within 10 minutes.
eXact® LeadQuick – Photometer for Lead in Water – the expert device for regular testing of lead in water.
Laboratory test to check for lead in water: UKAS accreditation (accredited to ISO/EC 17025:2017 & includes UKAS certification for bacteria analysis of potable as well as water from spa & pool)
Laboratory test for Lead Paint
The UK maximum contaminant levels (by DWI/DEFRA) for lead in water is 10µg/l (from 25th December 2013), which equates to 10ppb or 0.01ppm. When testing for lead in drinking water, please ensure that water is used which has been sitting in the pipe for at least 2 hours (ie. the first water drawn in the morning), please also read our general guidelines about lead in drinking water.
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