Open Water Swimming Near Me
Before you take a dive – have you checked the water is clean and safe? Monitoring and testing of a few key elements can help minimise this risk. What you should monitor: Bacteria, Cyanobacteria/ Blue-green algae, pH, conductivity.
Our Laboratory Tests help you check Bacteria (Coliforms, Enterococci), Cyanobacteria / Blue-green algae, pH, conductivity – See the full range here.
Our Field/Home Screening Fresh Water Tests provide instant results (these are suitable for fresh water only and are screening tests). An ideal way to do a quick on the spot test before you start swimming. Tests include bacteria, pH, alkalinity and many others.
Got a question about Open Water Testing? Try our free guide How to test the quality of Open Water for bathing or swimming
If you ready to give it a go here is a handy link to Google Maps to show exactly where you can find Open Water Swimming Lakes near you. Happy swimming.
Quick link to Open Water Swimming Near Me on Google Maps